First Daughter

Statistics, probability
and assessment of risk.

But more importantly,
uh, it's what my dad did.

And what his dad did.
So, that's what I'm gonna do.

And what his dad did.
So, that's what I'm gonna do.

Samantha! That's them overthere
across the street!

- Come on.
- There they go. Come on!

- ## [Woman Singing Slow Pop ]
- Please, Sam, one shot.

## [ Continues ]
[ Man ]
Hey, is that them?

[ Camera Shutter Clicking ]
- Let's do it again.
-Just catch your breath.

Come on.
- He has a place out here too?
- ## [ Continues Low]

[ Woman In Movie ]
The place used to be the gambling casino.

He likes it there
because ofthe memories.

- The old ancestral home, huh?
- Oh, no.

Mr. Murdock wasn't born there, but most
ofhis best friends were killed there.

You know the police used to
raid it and everything.

[ Chuckles ]
Your face.
No, no, you're al I right.
The look you get.
I t's like--

It's like the first time I rode my bike
without training wheels.

It's likeyou're experiencing
everything for the first time.

I am.
- [Woman ] Wouldyou like something?
- You need to try this.

Will Fats be surprised?
He's expecting us.

- I picked you up an hour early.
We have lots of time.
- ## [Singing Ends ]
