Five Children and It

Let's all hope it won't be long.
And, Cyril...
these are difficult days for us all.
But I know I can count on you.
Whatever happens,
you must stand by one another.

Now, give the Lamb a big kiss from me.
I'd better grab some shuteye
as I am on dawn patrol.

All my love always,
Dad. "
Read it again, Cyril.
Unexpected guest just arrived.
On a flying visit, I suppose.
I didn't know about this.

A guest, sir?
Professor Charles Chicken,
University of Eggsford.

I was at Eggsford.
I don't remember a Chicken.

It's from your publisher.
They propose giving away
one free puppet with every book.

One free with every book?
- Ridiculous. That'll never catch on.
- That's what I said.

C YRIL: Today's a new day, a fresh start.
Are we making another wish?
Not a chance.
Cyril and I have been discussing it,
and we've agreed from now on,
we leave the Sand-fairy alone.

But I drew it another picture. Look.
We can't leave it alone.
Think of all the wishes we'd be giving up.
No more wishes. It's over.
Promise me, Robert. Please.
All right. All right, I promise.
So what do we do instead?
We'll make friends with Horace.
- Why?
- Why not?

Because he's so nasty.
