Flight of the Phoenix

[ Seat Belt Latches ]
Yes, I-- I think you may find it
more comfortable back there...

with the rest of them.
Ticktock, Liddle.
Yeah. Don't get too attached to it.
I'm gonna want it back.

- We're all set?
- Looks like we got one more.

That can't be. Everybody's here.
/'ll let him know he's walkin'.
I guess I need a ride to Beijing.
Not on this flight, Goober.
Anybody know who this guy is?
It's a long story.
Get on board. A.J., start us up.
- .'.'[ Rock ]
- You're the boss, Frank.

[ AJ. /mitating Bill Cosby ]
Okay. All set, Mr. President.

I think it's about that time that
we do the checklist as the two Bills.

What do you say, buddy?
[ Imitating Bill Clinton ] Well, why change
a good thing? Go ahead, good buddy.

Allow me to grab my bulletin.
Seat belts.

I always like to have a little something
strapped to my lap.

- Check.
- [ Guffawing ]

Windows, doors and hatches.
Closed and secured
so no one can disturb us.

.'.'[ Man Singing.'Rock ]
Water injection.
That's what she said.
[ AJ.]

Set and uncaged,
just like yours truly.

And last, but not least, cow flaps.
[ Frank ]
Till the cows come home.

I think we're ready to go.
You gonna kiss your lucky man?

- I'll make it happen right now.
- Clear left.
