Fyra nyanser av brunt

Look at this. And this one!
This is my favourite!

- Aren"t they great pictures?
- You can see it"s my T-shirt.

My T-shirt in Rio de Janeiro!
- Let"s get started!
- No, we have to go.

- Now?!
- To the parent-teacher meeting.

- I won"t go! I want to frame these.
- We"re not framing anything.

We"re going to
the parent-teacher meeting. - Morgan!

As things look right now,
l"m going to have to fail Morgan-

- in Swedish, English and Maths.
I see.
And then there"s... There have
been a number of incidents.

In one instance, Morgan set fire
to a friend"s winter jacket.

Morgan isn"t stupid, he"s just...
...very negative.
- He seems very unwilling.
- Of course you"re willing!

I think it"s best if children
are stimulated to want to study.

You have to try to stimulate Morgan.
Talk to him.
