Fyra nyanser av brunt

- Hello, there"s been a power cut.
- We can see that! Get out!

I think you"re the pits.
It"s getting late anyway.
Let"s wind this up...

No! Olle must finish his story.
The art class had a party last night.
L"ll go and see
if there are any candle stumps left.

We took in a load of
strange girls from welfare here.

We helped them get a better life.
Johanna was one of them.

She and Tony became a couple.
Tony was in love with her-

- and maybe she was in love too.
We didnt talk about that much.

I dont know when it started to get
passionate between me and Johanna-

- but maybe it was when
I explained how things worked here.

That she must give a bit in return
if she was to have a future here.

And one night he caught us at it.
There I was, messing with his girl.

"What the fuck are you staring at?"
I said. I thought then hed kill me.

But he just slunk away
like a shame-faced little boy.
