
- Hey!
- Dad.

- happy birthday to you -

How, you doin'?
- Happy birthday to you -
- Happy birthday,
dear Adam -

- Happy birthday to you! -
- Hey, kid!
- You made me laugh.

( kids screaming )
( screams and applause )
So Dorset Prep,
where is that exactly?

- Mars.
- Oh, that's hilarious.

It's in the suburbs,
a half hour away.

It's a great offer,
but Paul hasn't made up his mind yet.

I bet that's a change from the school
you teach at now.

Oh yeah, less crack,
better cafeteria selection.

Don't mind Paul. He's still grappling
with his conscience.

Mom, Dad, this is
the coolest present eVer!

it looks good too, right?

Do you think
he needs more sugar?

Yeah I know,
I'm breaking eVery rule.

- Hello, is Steggie in here?
- Beware.

Hey, cake for Steggie.
- He can't eat that, it--
- Why not?

He's an herbiVore.
Oh, oh,
he's an herbiVore.

Okay, then
I'll just take it back.

- Wait, maybe leaVe it, just in case.
- Take it back.

- That's what I thought.
- Good night.

- Bye, Dad.
- Good birthday?

- Yeah.
- All right.

- Good night, Dad.
- Good night.

What was your
faVorite present?

- My jacket...
- Yay!

- ...You got me.
- You look so good in red.

What's on your agenda

Uh, I haVe to stop
by the gallery.

I haVe to pick up
a lens I ordered.

I haVe to get a new pair
of sneakers for Adam.

Ooh, I haVe to do you.
I could take care
of that right now.
