Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle

- Dad, come on.
- Daddy is not coming on anything.

You will be there,
and you will behave.

I have put too much time
and energy into you

to let you go
and fuck it all up!

You're absolutely right.
I'm sorry, guys.

Wow, I'm sorry.
It won't happen again, okay?

I will speak with you tomorrow.
- Bye, Harold.
- Bye.

See ya.
Wow, man.
I guess you're going
to med school after all, eh?

Fuck that, dude.
Like I care what my dad thinks.

I can't wait to see
the look on his face

when he finds out I didn't go
to my interview tomorrow.

If he wants to cut me off, fine.
I don't need his money.

I don't understand.
You just hugged him.

Yeah, I just needed to get
my hands on this.

Access card.
Two words for you, bro...
medical marijuana.

Oh, this is stolen.
If we get caught,
you are taking the blame.

This is not my idea.
We're not gonna get caught, okay?
We're gonna go get baked

and then go eat just like we planned.
Now, just calm down.

- We gotta find the pharmacy.
- Dr. Patel!

Thank God I found you.
We have an emergency.

Nurses, I need these two doctors
scrubbed, gloved,

and ready for the O.R. Stat!
- What the hell is going on?
- He probably thinks I'm my brother.

Just don't worry about it.
Leave the talking to me.

It's a godforsaken bloodbath.
The patient was brought in
by EMS five minutes ago.

As you can see, we have
three horrific gunshot wounds.

It's a good thing
I found you two.

All the other surgeons
are working on other patients.

No, there's been a mistake.
What Dr. Lee is trying to say
is that we need to sedate the patient...

...or he could go into cardiac arrest.
- All right, I'll get the anesthesiologist.

Hang on a second, nurse. What we
should probably use is marijuana.

That'll sufficiently
sedate the patient for surgery.

But why?
We don't have time for questions.
We need marijuana now,
as much of it as possible!
