Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

With the Dementor
I am very impressed...
It suggest that what you fear the most...
Is fear itself

This is very wise
Before I fainted...
I heard something
A woman...
The dementors force is to relive
our very worst memories

Our pain become their power
I think it was my mother
the night that was murdered

It knows, the first time that I saw you Harry...
I recognized you immeately
Not by your scar,
by your eyes

They are your mother, Lily's
Yes... oh yes,
I knew her

Your mother was there for me
at a time, when no one else was

No only was she a singlelary gifted witch...
She was also an uncommenly kind woman
... and a way of seeing the beauty in others
Even and perhaps...
Most especially when that person
could not see it himself

And your father James, on the other hand
He ehh...
He had a certain talent for trouble.
Talent... the rumor has it,
he passed on to you

That you would like to know more
But with the time you will see
much more

She is brilliant
But not compared at all with John Sean
I do not believe that it has opportunity
of going to the holiday

I have heard that it is the building more
big of Great Britain

What's going on?
Probably Neville has forgotten the password again

Let me through, please,
Excuse me, I am headboy
