Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

You have been sacked!?
No, no, I resigned
Resigned, Why?
It seems that someone, let slip
the nature of my condition

At this time tomorrow the ouwles will start arriving...
And parents will not want a...
Well, someone like me

-But Dumbledore
-Dumbledore has already done enough

Besides, people like me...
Well, let's just say I am history by now
Why do you look so miserable Harry?
None of it made any difference.
Pettigrew escaped!

Diden't make any difference?
Harry, it made all the difference in the world

You help uncover the truth
You saved an innocent man
from a terrible faith

You made a great deal difference
If I am proud of anything...
It is of how much you have learned this year
And since I am no longer your teacher,
I do not feel any guilt

For giving this back
So now I say goodbye,
I feel sure we will meat again

Untill then...
Misthief managed
