
Pull that down.
She w*as m*aking gre*at progress...
...and now this.
We'll be closed for months.
And it put a big dent
in our Thorazine supply.

She's been like this
since it happened.

Are you sure you want to go in?
Miss Sherman?
l'm Agent Myers, FBl.
Miss Sherman?
Can l call you Liz?
lt's a beautiful name.
Sixty percent of all the women
in the world are named Liz.

Well, it's impressive by my standards.
My name's John.

John T. Myers.
Dr. Broom asked me to invite you
back to the bureau.

No special precautions,
no security escorts.

Just you and me in a taxi
like regular folks.

That doesn't sound like him.
Well, Miss Sherman,
he's asking you back...

...but it's entirely your choice,
you know?

Choice, huh?
That's cute.
l've quit the bureau 1 3 times.
l always go back.
Where else would l go?
Over here.
You said those eggs need it
dark and humid?

Well, they hit the jackpot.
