
What looks like sand to you
soon becomes the poison pits.

[Speaks native language]
Men and horses
fall through the air

and are boiled thus.
Get out of here, mister.
Leave me be.

This is not possible!
You see, I was
Sheikh bin Riyadh's goat herder.

I was charged
with the crime of stealing milk.

As punishment,
I have been assigned

to the American and his horse.
You're working for me?
It was this or be
removed of my left hand.

The future will tell
if I have chosen poorly.

To cross Syria to Damascus,
one must face
hundreds of miles of salt

where no food can be found.
Men go mad!
I can see that.
I pray to Allah,
the All-Compassionate,

that he will give you
the merciful wisdom to go home.

You know horses?
That'll help.
In the name of Allah,
I welcome you
into my tent as my guest.

If his excellence
were to touch an infidel,

he would lose his ability
to foretell the future.

Oh. Sorry.
[Both speaking
in native language]

Most foreigners find
our coffee to be too potent.

Back home we toss
a horseshoe in the pot.

Stands up straight,
coffee's ready.
