Hotel Rwanda

- No, we do not know any rebels,
- You will come with us!

No, we are telling the truth,
We do not know any,,,

- What is it?
- Shut up!

Tatiana, go back in the house,
You must go back,

- You mustn't be out here,
- It's Victor,

No, Captain, you see--
It's not me, It's not me,
Captain, Captain,

Why are you taking him away?
Please, please,

- I know, I know, but it's not me,
No! No!
We must do something,
- Do what?
- Call someone,

I'm not going, I'm not going,
Get him in the truck, Now!
We must do something,
Please help him!
Oh, Victor!
There is nothing we can do,
- You must stay the night, Thomas,
- Yes,

Why would they arrest Victor?
He has no politics,
- He's a gardener,
- Who knows, Tatsi?

Who knows?
Someone who didn't like him
denounced him as a rebel spy,

Happens all the time now,
Maybe you could call
one of your contacts in the army,

It wouldn't help,
You could ask as a favor,
No, I could not,
Tatsi, all day long I work
to please this officer,

that diplomat, some tourist,
to store up favors

so if there is a time
when we need help,

I have powerful people
I can call upon,

But Victor was a good neighbor,
He is not family,
Family is all that matters,

Please, please,
leave these things to my good kudgment,
