I, Robot

Relax, relax...
I'm a police officer.
You... are a asshole!
Mam, is that your purse?
Of course it's my purse!
I left my inhaler at home.
He was running it out to me!
I saw a robot running with
the purse and naturally, I-I assumed...

Are you crazy?
I'm Sorry for this misunderstanding, officer.
Don't apologize... cause you're doin'
what you supposed to be doin'.

- but what do you do?
- Have a lovely day, mam.

You lucky I can't breathe or
I'd walk all up and down your ass!

Lead by example.
Says that right on your badge.
So we gonna talk about this?
About what?
Help, police... that robot
stole my dry cleaning.

Oh, you want to talk about that?
how many robots have ever snatched a purse?
- John, the thing is running down the str...

How many robots in the world
have ever committed a crime?

Now define crime!
Answer my question, damn it.
None, John.
Tell me what happened today.
Better be the last "nothing".
Spoon, are you sure you are ready to be back
'cause you take the time...

I'm fine, John
Thank you.
Better here than sittin' around at home.
