If Only

What do you think?
If you don't want to stop here
we can just keep going.

- But how did you even know that this was my...
- you told me where you were from.

I've never met your family.
They've been busy.
I really want to see where you grew up.
I want to see where little Ian
went to school and played soccer.

Sorry, football, american.
I want to see where you
became the man I love.

If you had something to hide
you shouldn't have said 'anywhere you want to. '

I think I heard thunder.
It's gonna pour.

You do know it's raining, right?
You're just trying to get out of this.
Keep going.

Feed me soon
or face the consequences.

This was a lot steeper when I was a kid.
They must have come in here with
heavy machinery and flattened it out.

Unless you've changed.
Me? Not possible.
Are we going to that shack?
- No. We need to get to the top, so keep walking.
- Yes, chief.

So what's at the top of 'Ian's magical hill? '
Nothing, really. Except the solitude.
Being away from everything.
I'd go up there to read or think.

I felt safe there, at peace.
It's definitely going to pour.
Pouring rain in england? Not likely.
Come on.
