Kakushi-ken: oni no tsume

And now she's ill they won't spend
the money for a doctor.

That's terrible!
Her father came to see her.
They said Kie was of their family now,
and he wasn't to interfere.

They turned him away.
They are terrible.
How Iong has she been in bed?
She hasn't been seen in the shop
in two months.

If you knew that,
why haven't you been to see her?!

I couldn't go to a merchant's house!
Where are you going?
I've been worried about her
all through the winter.

I'II go see her.
I'II go, too.
Well! What can I do for you?
Your daughter-in-Iaw once served
in my house. My name is Katagiri.

Oh, yes! Kie's told us all about you.
I've heard Kie is ill.
I'm here to see her.

That's very nice of you.
Yes, she is ill...
...but I'm Iooking after her,
so you need have no fear.

Once she's recovered,
I'II have her come and thank you.

Is she very ill?
Not seriously.
