
At that hour, you will have
just one teacher

Your own conscience.
Your integrity

Make sure you preserve it
What else will I say?
I wish you achieve everything...

I couldn't achieve
in my career

Yes...? Yes, I'm coming.
In just a moment

That's another duty.
Towards my wife

My daughter's getting married,
there's so much to do

Look, you must all
attend the wedding

You've put them up only here?
I want them there and there...

I want lights everywhere.
- It will be done, Madam

There are still two weeks
to go for the wedding

Two weeks indeed! The guests will
start pouring in soon...

and the master will be very angry
Three here...
one here...
Why're you being so stingy?
I want the house full of flowers.
- Don't worry, lady...

I'll make sure your house is
as scented as a rosegarden

Mummy, please come here
What happened?
- Look at this, Mummy

It's so tight, I can't breathe!
- What's this, tailor?

Didn't you get the measurements right?
- The measurements were right...

but looks like the kid has put on weight
in the happiness of the wedding

When is this picture from?
May 1988. My sister had come over
from Bangalore during the vacations

We had all gone to Mahabaleshwar.
You were supposed to come there too

Because of some case,
you couldn't get there

Which case I was
working on and when...

you even remember the day,
month and the year

But I know nothing of what
you were doing and when

I don't remember half
the pictures...

and I'm not there in most of them.
- They're just pictures, Anant

