King Arthur

How many Saxons? Hm?
How many?!
Tell me. Do you believe in this mission?
These people need our help.
- It is our duty to bring them out.
- I don't care about your charge,

and I don't give a damn about
Romans, Britain or this island.

If you desire to spend eternity in this place,
Arthur, so be it,

but suicide cannot be chosen for another!
- And yet you choose death for this family!
- No, I choose life!

And freedom for myself and the men!
How many times in battle have we
snatched victory from the jaws of defeat?

Outnumbered, outflanked,
yet still we triumph.

With you at my side, we can do so again.
Lancelot, we are knights.
What other purpose do we serve
if not for such a cause?

Arthur, you fight for a world
that will never exist.

There will always be a battlefield.
I will die in battle.
Of that I'm certain.
And hopefully a battle of my choosing.
But if it be this one,
grant me a favor.
Don't bury me in our sad little cemetery.
Burn me.
Burn me and cast my ashes
to a strong east wind.

(woman screaming)
