
Listen to me.
You're my girl.
You always will be.

The bond we have, the life we share...
sex is nothing compared to that.
I can't talk about this anymore.
Most people think
that what they do sexually...

is what everyone does...
or should do.
But I might remark that nearly all
the so-called sexual perversions...

fall within the range
of biologic normality.

For example, masturbation...
mouth-genital contacts
and homosexual acts...

are common
among most mammals...

including humans.
Society might condemn such practices
on moral grounds.

However, it's ludicrous
to call them unnatural.

But based on
the first Book of Genesis...

and according to public opinion...
there's only one
correct sexual equation...

man plus woman equals baby.
Everything else is vice.
But the orgasm record of the males
in this classroom alone...

proves the ineffectiveness
of social restrictions...

and the imperativeness
of the biologic demand.

Why are some cows highly sexed...
while others just stand there?
Why do some men
need 30 orgasms a week...

and others almost none?
Because everyone is different.
The problem is,
most people want to be the same.
