
No, I'II wait.
I'II wait ... Fine.

One second, Torp.
It was going to be the biggest
IandsIide victory in 25 years.

- Then he crashes at the finish-Iine.
- It's crazy.

- How Iong have you been with us?
- Four and a haIf months.

And you want to be transferred
to ParIiament?

Yeah, this is he.
Do you have a moment?
Okay, thanks. Bye.

I thought I'd Iet you have a shot at it
for a coupIe of days.

But you shouId know that some of your
coIIeagues wiII get pissed off.

They'II think it's because your
dad is former Minister of Justice.

WeII, is it?
I can't deny that you have
connections I couId use?

- I was 1 0 the Iast time I was in there.
- But they know who you are.

Some of them might, I guess.
Any news?
How is AkseI doing?

The hospitaI won't comment.
At the famiIy's request.

- Have we got anything if he dies?
- An obituary was written Iast year.

- Can the Centre Party win if he dies?
- It's possibIe.

- Who's set to take over for him?
Lone KjeIdsen?

- Isn't that premature specuIation?
- Lone KjeIdsen? Oh, God!

Can we print that? If Bruun dies,
KjeIdsen takes over -
