
Good. ShaII we move on?
Kaj, you wanted to say something
about a bypass road?

Søren Krogh from Fraud Squad,

- Yes?
- Søren? UIrik Torp speaking.

I"m busy.
What do you want?

You're working on a case invoIving
KjeIdsen and ''ChiIdren's Trust''.

- Who toId you that?
- I just need some background info.

- I didn"t say there was a case.
- Just give me an outIine.

I know KjeIdsen spent a Iot
of money on a Cambodian hospitaI.

- How much?
- More than 1 0 miIIion.

- Some of the money has disappeared?
- The hospitaI was never buiIt.

- HeIIo, UIrik Torp, DaiIy News.
- We aIready subscribe.

- Mads KjeIdsen, pIease.
- Mads has caIIed in sick today.

- Any idea where I can reach him?
- Sorry, I"m not at Iiberty to say.

Listen, I've heard that Mads
misappropriated the trust's money.

Who can I speak to
if I want Mads' side of the story?

- I"II check with our PR officer.
- Thanks.

- Yes?
- UIrik Torp here ...

No, it"s me again. I"m sorry, but
he"s not avaiIabIe at the moment.

- When can I catch him?
- Sorry, I don"t know.

- Okay, weII, couId you ...
- Sorry, I can"t heIp you.
