Kung fu

Those guys at Pig Sty are really good.
Their warrior days are long over...
...but they're still top fighters.
This job is a great challenge for us.
Now, that's professionalism.
Number One Killers. Expensive, yes,
but worth every penny!

Number one is the Beast,
the world's top killer.

He was so dedicated to kung fu,
he went crazy.

I heard he's now in an asylum.
So you're the top killers now.
Strictly speaking,
we're just musicians.

A song that wrenches the heart
O where do I find a knowing ear?

Great poem, isn't it?
We'll be saying goodbye soon.
Who knows when we'll see
each other again.

We're three of a kind.
Wish we'd known before.

Let's take this opportunity
to spar a little.

No. We still have a lot to pack.
You're right.
Twelve Kicks of the Tam School!
Superb attack and defense!
