Latter Days

to be completely cut off
When I was 13 years old my dad...
...he was this macho hot shot banker guy
and I was just this skinny little kid...
who'd been caught trying on his mother's
shoes one too many times

anyway, my dad said he would rather die
than raise a little nellyboy

and I thought I would rather die than be one
So my dad, who'd never been out of the city
in his entire life

decided we're going to go hunt deer
so my dad drags me to this lodge up in the Sierras right...
it's early November
the same as now
and there is this storm rolling in
my dad was so determined that
sissy boy was going to kill something

snow came at us from all sides
the air, the sky, the ground they all became the same
and horrible screaming...white
and I thought we're gonna be OK, right
and then I saw my father's eyes
and they were that same white...
