Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The

We are not 100% sure about
that yet, we just met yesterday.

Not this one, Klaus.
You heard me, not this one.
First thing in the morning.
- It's got everything?
- Yeah, tell him to pus a stop and a half (photographic term)

What are you going to do with him?
Who? Ned?
What do you mean?
I don't understand the question.
I offered him a spot on the Bellefontaine.
He didn't take it, did he?
Of course he took it, we are going
to put him on the map, Eleanor!

We are going to throw him a life-preserver.
I believe in this boy.
Because he looks up to me.
Yes, Sir, and MCkernan's going
to take my shadow flights.

That is right.
I just feel like I need to see
this thing through, so...

Thank you for understanding. I'll check in
with the Louisville office next month.

(Jane, reading a book)
Hold it!
