Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The

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Head up, head up, boy, here he is,
here he is, you ok, Ned? You are ok?

Alright, give him some room, he is ok.
He just drunk a little too much water.

- How are you shooting this? Wide open?
- Err, 5 by 6 (picture ratio)

As always, even in the most
challenging circumstances

the members of team Zissou
find ways to keep moral high.

Wait, hold it! Is that a distress bark?
Is something wounded out there?
We quickly located the
source of the mysterious cry.

What is she, Steve?
A wild snow mongoose
We thought they were extinct.
Her ankle's broken.

Go and get some hot milk and
put these guys in the incubator.

We radioed for emergency transport
of our beautiful new friends.

That's what it used to be like.
Has Ned's heart stopped beating
before you pulled him out of water?

Has Ned's heart stopped beating
before we pulled him out of water?

Yes but we got him to
start again pretty quickly.

Don't go on this voyage right now, Steve.
One of you is already dead after all.
Oh, you mean Esteban?
Thanks for bringing that up.
