Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The

So tell me, you are reading
to each other in French?

No, it's in English.
It was translated.
You know, you are not supposed to
go into each other's cabin on a boat.

Why not?
It's just kind of an unwritten maritime rule
when you are at sea.

Especially be an goddamn lookout.
I am so sorry.
So am I.
You hung myself to dry.
We don't handle this right,
We'll all get murdered.
Including her unborn British child.
I will kill you asshole.
I am gonna hit you so fucking hard.
You will be blind.
Please don't hurt him.
Watch me.
I'll let you know what I am
going to make them a little...

Steve, it's a way to save the passengers.
Do what they say.
Help them put money and jewellery in the chest.
Yeah. How am I going to finish my movie then?
Jesus Holy!
They are going to kill us, Steve.
I am patting you on
the back right now, Klausie.

Don't be scared.
We'll get through this, everybody.
Wake up, Nedo.
I'm sorry I yelled at you.
I need to speak to the man in charge, fellas.
Don't point that gun at him.
He's an unpaid intern.
What kind of coverage did you get?
I just kept it rolling until they
put this hood over my head.

Bill speaks their language.
What are they saying, Billy?
Hold on.
Apparently they are taking a hostage.
Obviously they have chosen Ned.
Now they find out that I speak Filipino,
They seem to be changing their minds.
