
- Where's my baby?
- Oh, my God.

Is he all right?
- Rousseau. Was she alone?
- Did she take my baby?

Which way did she go?
I don't know!
She took my baby!

This is your fault!
You brought her into the camp!

If you had given me a gun...
Do not hit me again.
You want to waste time
assigning blame?

There's plenty to go around.
She has a head start.
If we leave now, we can catch her.

How we gonna do that?
Because I know where she's going.
- Please now...
- I want my baby.

I can carry
all the sticks in my pack.

The more insulation we stuff in,
the better.

I think we should split 'em up.
It's not smart to keep it all together,
so we split 'em up.

If we need three sticks
to blow the hinge,

then we should bring six.
Three and three.
A fail-safe.
In case one of us...

You and me then.
No. I'm taking one.
Not gonna happen.
This is why I came.
- You wasted a trip.
- I need to do this.

Kate, no one owes
anyone anything.

- I'm carrying one.
- We're done.

- This is not your decision.
- It is.

We'll draw straws.
They're coming. We don't have time to
argue about who risks their life, so...

...we let fate decide.
- Works for me.

- What about you?
- You wanna carry some dynamite?

You got some... Arnzt on you.
Short sticks carry the packs.
