
You weren't supposed
to be here till 12:00.

I thought you said 11:00.
- What is this?
- It's a dialysis machine.

My kidney's failing.
Damn doctors say
I need a transplant.

- When?
- Tomorrow, if it were up to me.

I'm on the donor list.
But I'm an old man,
and it's a long list.

- How long...
- The dialysis will be fine for awhile.

I didn't tell you
for this exact reason.

I'm not gonna let this spoil
a fantastic day, and neither should you.

I'll get done here,
and we'll have a nice lunch

and go shoot some birds.
He was a priest.
How long you think
he's been dead?

Clothing would decompose
within two years,

but this is high-quality polyester.
Could be two years, could be ten.
Gold teeth.
Obviously well-off.

- What kind of money is that?
- Nigerian naira.

What is a Nigerian priest doing
on an island in the South Pacific?

I'm not so sure
he was a priest.

You wanna keep it down?
- That's it. Get up.
- What?

Get up.
- You're going to Jack.
- Do I get a lollipop?
