Medurat Hashevet

That's funny.
I'm always sure that wherever I am
is where it's the least interesting.

Shame you didn't come to comfort us,
you'd see I was right.

They said your family didn't want
too many people coming.

Actually, I wanted you to come.
I have to go.
See you at the bonfire? - I may not
go to the youth group's bonfire.

Why not?
I think we'll have our own bonfire.
All the geeks and lowlives.

My birthday's on Lag B'Omer.

What, right on the day?
According to the Gregorian calender
it's the day before.

A day before doesn't count.
Did you call for a ride?
- Thank you.

The world is like Noah's Ark.
If you're not in a couple,
you're left out.

What's so bad about that?
Maybe it's easier for men.
I want you to know, I look at you
and think how lucky you are.
