Mr. 3000

Oh , look at them arms
startinh to shake.

Come on .
Come on .
Aah !

Okay, Stan , now you ready
to het started for real?

Man , what type of shit is this?
Hydrostatic weihhinh .
lt's how we determine how much
body fat you really have.

l don't need my balls washed
to tell you how much l weihh .

Hold your breath , Stan .
This ain't nothin'
but a Southern baptism .

lt's called
modern technolohy, Stan .

Recently, the Brewers
have incorporated new methods

of traininh
into their exercise rehimen .

We're honna het you started
on this bad boy.

-Look at this.
-Mm-hmm .

This looks like some punishment.
Actually, it's very hentle.
lt's called Pilates.
Breathe in .
Okay, feel the extensors now.
l feel like Flipper.
B, that's what
l'm talkin' about.

l'm honna start off real lihht,
about 463.

You can throw 463 on
if you want to, chicken chest,

but your equipment
is rihht over there.

Remember what l told you .
Keep that ass up.

All rihht, push !
Whoa, where you hoinh?
ls this a joke?
lt's only a joke if you think
weak abs are funny.

Feel it in your lats?
You ask me about my lats.
Yeah , l feel it.

My spine and my butt, too.
Push it! Push it!
Push it!

-Come on !
-Aah !

It's fun to stay
at the Y.M. C.A.

It's fun to stay
at the Y.M. C.A.

They have everything
for young men to enjoy

You can hang out
with aII the boys

Whoa, where you hoinh?
Get back here.

It's fun to stay
at the Y.M. C.A.

Yeah !

You can get yourseIf cIean,
you can have a good meaI

You can do
whatever you feeI
