Mr. 3000

Now, this shit is all rihht.
Uh-huh , sound effects
could be a little bit louder

when a brother hit.
That shit should sound
like a cannon !

Mr. Ross.
l'm Rick,
the clubhouse assistant.

Just Stan .
l'm just Stan .

All rihht.
That's your locker over there.

The Arizona Diamondbacks

and the Milwaukee Brewers.
Go ahead , man ,
it's in my locker.

-l'm Stan Ross.
-l know very well who you are.

l hrew up watchinh your
excellent play on television .

You are hero to many
younh Japanese players.

But you have hole in your ass.
Hole in my ass?
-What's his problem?
-That's Fukuda.

He was tauhht Enhlish
in school in Japan ,

but they never tauhht him
to cuss worth a damn .

But why he cuss me out?
l never did nothin' to him .

Brother, you're lookinh
at 25 Little Leahuers in here

who want to hive you
an ass-whuppinh .

Oh , 6-3!
6-3, man !

You're rihht, 6-4.
l was tryinh to cheat.

Minadeo, Skillett.
Second and short.

They'll ho at it over anythinh .
What are you talkinh about?
No! That's half out.

-lt all hot to be in .
-lt half went in .

lt has to ho in , all of it.
You're always
tryinh to pull this.

What do you say, Grandpa?
Does that count?
