National Treasure

I'm tracking him through the... Hey!
I'm tracking you through the GPS
in Shaw's phone.

They take a turn anywhere we don't want,
we'll know it. So don't worry.

If Ian tries to double-cross us, we can call
the FBI and tell them right where you are.

- And where to find Ian.
- And where is that?

Right across the street
from where we're hiding,

at the intersection
of Wall Street and Broadway.

Well, you figured out the clue.
Simple. "Heere at the wall. "
Wall Street and Broadway.

Ben, there is a catch.
We made Ian believe
he could have the treasure.

It was the only way
we could get this far.

He's here.
Here we go.
You all right? No broken bones?
A jump like that could kill a man.

Naw, it was cool.
You should try it sometime.

The Declaration of Independence.
And the meerschaum pipe.

All yours.
- That's it?
- That's it.

I knew you'd keep your promise.
Now, where is it? Where's my treasure?

It's right here.
The map said "Heere at the wall",
spelled with two E's.

Wall Street follows the path
of an actual wall

that the original Dutch settlers built
as a defence to keep the British out.

The main gate was located at a street
called De Heere, also two E's.

Later De Heere Street was renamed
Broadway after the British got in.

So, "Heere at the wall. "
Broadway, Wall Street.
Just a moment, Ben.
Lan, if you break our deal, the FBI
will be only a few minutes behind you.

You might get away, you might not.
Is that all the map said?
