
I couId Iive here---
near this sun"," this sea-
Me and my Ewert-
Live quiet days"," in peace-

Quiet days?
As if nothing were wrong?

What about our duty to
change the worId?

-That's our dream of happiness-
-I beIieve in the revoIution"," OIga-

But sometimes I Iike to think of
myseIf growing oId with Arthur---

having chiIdren- I don't want
to die with a buIIet in my head-

Why can't you spend your Iife
beside the one you Iove?

My duty was to protect his Iife-
With mine"," if necessary-

This country's sun"," this heat---
they have aIready warmed
your heart-

aIways get out of controI-
"l'm con"v"lnced each day"
"we're a llttle closer to"---

the flght between those who
"wlsh to change thls country"---

and those who seek to perpetuate
"thls unequal lnhuman soclety"-

I've asked Ewert to consuIt
ManuiIski about my return-

Your return? I thought---
Someone eIse shouId Iook after
your safety-

I wasn't aware you were
so anxious to Ieave-

You knew I'd return when
my mission was over-

You may be needed here-

We're mixing work with
our personaI sentiments-

I thought you were happy-
-It was my fauIt-

I'II be more usefuI on
another mission-

Others need me more
than you do-
