
l would conform to that,
"e"v"en wlth you so far"---

just to see your gaze
"upon me once more"-

"And l'd llke to see your smlle"-
"l lo"v"e both of you"
"so" v"ery much"-

"And l'm so grateful to llfe"---
"for ha"v"lng gl"v"en me you two"-
"But l wlsh l could ll"v"e"
"one happy day"---

"the three of us together"---
"as l'"v"e dreamed"
"a mllllon tlmes"-

"ls lt posslble that l'll ne"v"er"
"see how proud"---

you are of our daughter?''
"''Dearest Anlta"---
"my dear husband"---
"my llttle boy"---
"l weep lnto my bedclothes"---
"so no one hears"---
"for lt seems l ha"v"e no strength"
"to bld you farewell now"---

"so l won't ha"v"e to do lt"
"ln my tough flnal hours"-

"After tonlght"---
"l want to ll"v"e for thls brlef"
"future l'"v"e got left"-

"lt was you, darllng"---
who taught me the meanlng
"of wlllpower"---

especlally when pourlng forth
"from sprlngs such as oursel"v"es"-

l fought for what ls
"falr, good"---

"and for a better world"-
"l promlse you now"---
"as l say good-bye"---
