Post coitum

I know you love me.
I'm totally exhausted...
- Just relax, love...

- Don't call me that, you slut!
- No way!...
- I will be.
I'll give you three times the rate if
you'll go with me -
for a drink.
I thought I'd be with her all my life.
It's so weird!
When I think that she had someone else's
meat inside her.

- It's only a body. It means nothing.
Do you know how many I've dissected?
Why would any widow
envy me for looking
at her husband's insides?

You don't die of it.
Just clean it and everything's OK again.
- She betrayed me!

- And you've never betrayed her?
- That's different.

- In what way?
- I'm a man.

No emotions. Just sex.
- That's what you say!
- Miss! One Sex on the Beach!
- Yes, all the time.
- And you wouldn't want sex on the beach
with me?

- You'd need to be twice the size!
Here's a small beer.

- It would change your whole life too.
- I won't let anyone change mine.
