
I set the alarm on my stopwatch
for six hours.

I regulated the O2 tank,
took some Dramamine, and tried to sleep.

Did you?
-Did you sleep?

Not at first. I've never
considered myself claustrophobic...

but I started sweating and I couldn't find
the right flow rate on the tank...

and I was breathing differently than I was
when I was testing it on the outside.

Eventually, I settled down, and...
I don't know, maybe it was the Dramamine
kicking in, but I remember this moment...

in the dark
with the reverberation of the machine.

It was maybe the most content
I've ever been.

I woke up on my own without the alarm...
and waited for the machine to cool down.
Cool down from my perspective.

It got to a point where it sounded safe
to get out...

but the stopwatch still showed
a couple minutes...

so I trusted the math and waited.
That's not a static shock, Abe.
Okay, please stop it.

You got out too soon.
You have to wait forthe stopwatch
so that you know the gain is low enough.

So, we're back here?
Yeah, we're here.
It's 8:50, Tuesday morning.
