Raise Your Voice

and she doesn't even
friggin' care that she did it.

Are you talking about the girl in
the black sweatshirt?

Dude, she's the hottest
player here.

I heard her in the practice
rooms and she's flawless.
-Well, she looked at me

and I just...
oh, man, snap.
- Friend, you're hooked.

- Hopelessly.
- Have you ever even talked to her?

- No, I'm working on that.
See, the problem is she won't give me the time of day.

Well, why don't l
introduce you guys?

What if I told you
you were the coolest girl ever?

Jay, I like this girl.
You know how to pick them.

- I've always said that, haven't l, Jay?
- Yeah, he has always said that.

Kiwi seal of approval.
Hey, I'm Terri.
Sorry to bother you.

Your name?
àðé éåãòú ùàéï ìðå ùåí
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I-- I know we don't have
any classes together or anything, but...
um, I just thought that I'd introduce myself.

Okay, so there's this guy, right?
And, um, he's really nice and his name's Kiwi

and he kinda has a crush on you.
So we were wondering

if you wanted to come
hang out with us on Saturday night?

Kiwi's a weird name.
Why would he have a crush on me?
That's stupid.

Um, I mean, sometimes there's just
nothing you can do about it.

Well, anyway, um, we're gonna meet
in the lobby at 7:00

and, um, we're gonna grab
a bite to eat, okay?

I guess.
