Raising Helen

Well, I don't know
why I bother talking to you two.

Hello in there.
Will I be seeing you in four months?

Yes, I will. I hope you like potpourri.
Yes, I do.
And I hope you like Tupperware parties.

And lots of flowers. Lots of...
It's true as well. I do, I love 'em.
I love flowers.
Thank you, guys.
All right, all right. Thank you.
That was great.
Helen and Devon. That's enough.

Keep it down, I got neighbors.
I don't know any of them, but I got them.
- What are you wearing?
- I don't know. Whatever they put on me.

You took these from the photo shoot?
You know you're not supposed
to take the clothes you model.

Oh, right.
So I guess I should take 'em off.

I'll help you.
- What is this?
- Oh, bubble wrap.

The photographer wanted me
to look more buff.

- Ooh.
- You like that?

- All set, Ms Rosenthal.
- Oh, finally.

Come on in. Thank you for waiting.
Any minute. Any minute.
Christopher, don't make me call for a pizza.
Any minute.
- Hi.
- How are you?

Hi. What is this? Sunday brunch gridlock?
