Riding the Bullet

You know, I'd take you all the way,
but I promised my brother Ralph...

that I'd take him
over to that nursing home in Gates.

His wife's up there,
she's got that forgetting disease...

what do you call it,
Anderson's or whatever it is.

-Alzheimer's, yeah. That's the fellow.

Still, I suppose I could take you all the way.
Don't let him.
There's something wrong with him.

You don't have to do that.
I can get a ride from Gates easy.

Damn, damn truss!
Damn rupture!
You know, pardon my French...

but if you stick around
this old world long enough...

after a while all your works
start falling apart, you know.

It just seems like the longer you live...
the more God wants to kick you in the ass.
Still, it's good that you dropped everything
to go see your mom the way you're doing.

She's a good mom.
Okay, Mrs. Parker.
Well. This must be little Al.
Alan. Who are you?
This is Mr. Dalrymple from the ADC.
I think I have everything
I need for now, Mrs. Parker.

-Good. We'll be in touch.
-Thank you.

-Thanks for the coffee and cookies.
-You're welcome.


-What's ADC?
-He says it's Aid to Dependent Children...

but I think it's Awful Damn Crapheads.
Gotta pucker up
and smooch his white heinie...

just to make sure he writes a good report,
so we can get an extra $50 a month.

-"Awful Damn Crapheads"?

It's just you and me against the world, Al.
