Rois et reine

Yes, my soul aches
but you can't help me.

And why is that?
You're a woman.
Sorry, but women aren't the same as men.
You have no soul.
Because I'm a woman?
Don't give me that look.
It's not my fault.

Are there female priests or rabbis?
Right. Maybe you have
something else instead but frankly...

I can't see myself
discussing my soul with you.

Isn't that insulting for women?
Not at all, men live on a line
and you women live in bubbles.
Little bubbles.
You move from one to the next

or use intersections...
Little bubbles of time, I suppose.
We men live on a single straight line.
We live to die.

And what do women live for?
Well, for nothing.
You just live.
And we live to die.
How do you define the soul?
We won't talk about theology now.
I'm not your pal.

I've been in this dump of a clinic
since last night.

Just examine me
and say it's a scandal!

I'd really like to know
how you define the soul.

A cock and two balls, maybe?
A soul is a way of negotiating
on a daily level

with the issue of Being.
I don't say you're a stranger to it.
I just negotiate on a fucking daily level
with the issue of Being.

Don't play Mother Virtue
or some feminist or whatever,
with your notepad,
on the lookout for symptoms

to lock me up and avenge
any alleged wrongs done to you.

I haven't hurt you or anyone else,
I'm not mad!

Get the message?
Need me to tell your politburo?
Maybe you aren't mad
but a week's rest here will do you good.

What's my recourse?
Try the public prosecutor.
