Rois et reine

Because I've had to put up
with your arrogance, scorn,

acting like a genius,
the brilliant violist,
so precocious...
Genius my ass!
All your moods...
All that for so many years.
But I didn't let it show.
I was the lead violin
but self-effacing.

Your loyal partner.
Your devoted, admiring cousin.
After you broke up,
I often called Nora.

Hold on... You called Nora?
She was blooming after years
of being stifled by you
and I felt
I was just as good as she was.

I too deserved to win.
In short,
I decided I wanted you
out of my life for good.

Why did you say "my quartet"?
Your presumption is remarkable.
Well, I suppose I'll be going then.
Maybe I'll take my viola with me.
Your viola?
The Gubelkian Foundation
lent it to you.

Excuse me a second.
I'm recording this, just in case.
You don't lend
a four-million-franc viola to a madman.

The quartet is keeping it.
Your replacement
will show it respect and care.

I nearly forgot.
Your poncho's at the dry-cleaner's.
Hello, Mum? Yes, it's Ismaƫl.
Yes, I'm out now, they were very kind.
