Rois et reine

Prospero! You were here?
I heard you were recording,
so I called in.

It's beautiful!
Yes, it's not bad, it's Viennese.
Everything okay at the hospital?
Yes, everything's fine there.
We've had a few problems
with Arielle, our China girl.

She's had EST, electroshock therapy,
under anaesthetic.

She had another little go at suicide.
She's at the outpatients' clinic now.
But her parents want to lock her up.
Maybe you could call her.
Arielle? It's Ismaƫl.
How are you?
Oh, you know, I'm fine.
I'm in great shape!

That's good.
I had to go to the provinces,
I went to see my family,
travelling, everything's worked out

and I have a new job.
I'll tell you about it.
I almost came to see you and I didn't.
I've often thought of you.
How are you keeping?
I'm okay.
I'm glad to hear it.
I'm bored.
It's a bad line.
I can't hear you very well.

I hear you.
I'll call you back. Okay?
We're going to be cut off.
Sorry to disturb you
today of all days.

Don't worry. It's a happy occasion.
- Come in.
- Heavens, no!

I've just come for the typescript.
Of course.
