Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed

Angry citizens have gathered
outside Mystery Inc. 's offices in protest.

They're insisting the gang cooperate
with the Evil Masked Figure's demands.

Mystery Stink! Mystery Stink!
Excuse me, sir.
Do you have anything to say for yourself?

I beg you, Mystery Inc.
If you can hear me, turn yourselves in.
If we do, he'll get the control panel back,
and the city will be in worse shape.

We'd be playing right into his hands.
Please. For our city's sake.
Sorry. You're cancelled.
The old high-school clubhouse.
We should be safe here.
We haven't been here in years.
Freddy, are you okay?
- Do you wanna talk?
- Talking's for wimps.

It's time for action.
You know, Scoob...
...this Evil Masked Figure
is turning Coolsville into Ghoulsville.

And the gang is totally taking a hit for it.
