Shall We Dance

Good luck, man.
We're with you.

Somebody help me up! Please?
OK. 55 days from today you two
are gonna win the novice competition.

That means you're gonna
have to master five dances.

I've asked Paulina
to videotape you tonight,

so you can see what
you're doing wrong.

Let's start with a rumba.
What? What is it?
It's the rumba.
It's the dance of love.

And he's just not
giving me anything.

What does she want me to do?
I'm doing it exactly the way I was taught.

You think it's easy...?
The rumba... is a vertical expression
of a horizontal wish.

You have to hold her like the skin
on her thigh is your reason for living.

Let her go like your heart's
being ripped from your chest.

Pull her back like you're gonna have your
way with her, right here on the dance floor.

And then finish...
Like she's ruined you for life.
See? Why can't you
just do it like that?

Anyone else care
for a glass of water?
