Shi mian mai fu

Don't worry. Nia has a good plan.
You'll never dance again after this.
There is one thing I don't understand.
What's that?
Who sent Mei on this mission?
Do you understand?
Nia did.
Has Nia ever considered my feelings?
What do you mean?
I haven't seen Mei for three years.
Now I have to watch her flirt
with another man.

You have one day to think it over.
It's not the first time
Mei's used her beauty to aid our cause.
This girl reminds me of someone.
I've heard about your feelings for her.
Do you still love her?
Rumor has it,
We're facing a battle
the old leader's blind daughter
that will decide the fate
of the 'Flying Daggers'.

disappeared after his death.
The troops are closing in.
It was a heavy blow
to the 'Flying Daggers'.

This is not the time for love.
They vowed revenge for their loss,
while searching for the girl.
All right.
Why would the old leader's daughter
I will let you see Mei.
end up in a brothel?
Who owns the Peony Pavilion?
Perhaps the 'Flying Daggers' has realized
we were responsible
for their old leader's death.

Forget it.
Let's turn her over for a reward,
and then go out for a drink.
I have a better idea.
Since we have some clues,
let's follow them through
for a bigger reward.

Do you want me to do it?
Of course, who else?
All right. This girl is a rare beauty.
You know I love flirting with girls.
Don't let beauty blind your judgment.
If I die under a skirt,
I can still flirt as a ghost.
