Silver City

She moved out...
from where she was living, with me.

- Oh. Sorry.
- Took the furniture.

I should have been suspicious when
she bought all those boxes from Staples.

- Soyou were having problems.
- Apparently.

We weren't-
Maybe she wanted
somebody more predictable.

You're totally predictable, Danny.
You get involved in something positive,
then find a way to fuck it up.

And you're-
I'm... fine.
Fine. They have me assigned
to the governor's race, so-

- Listen, there's a work thing.
- Areyou still a private eye?.

- Investigator, yeah.
- Yeah.

Your friend who worked in health care
with the migrants?.

- Rebecca Zeller.
- Zeller. Right.

- She still in town?.
- In the phone book.

- Sorry I'm late.
- Hey.

Just greasing the rustywheels
of government. Hi.

Chan, this is Danny, who I told you
about. Danny, ChandlerTyson.

- Danny- Ex-boyfriend from hell Danny?.
- Yes!

I knowyou.
Really?. I don't think so.
Yeah, on TV.
That was a while ago.
The public statements I was making...

on behalf ofthe industry.
- You're a tobacco lobbyist.
- One of our clients, yes.

You said there was no scientific
evidence that smoking can cause cancer.

I see myself as sort of a champion
ofthe underdog.

Every point ofview,
no matter how politically incorrect...

deserves an advocate
in the court of public opinion.

I heard thatyou were with somebody new,
but, hey, a champion ofthe underdog.

- Great.
- It was nice to seeyou, Danny.

- Yeah. Right.
- Rebecca Zeller.

