Silver City

A city.
We run something on theWeb site-
information we've got-
we connect the dots...

and the guilty party,
they pretend to ignore it.

Ifthey sue us, certain documents
could be entered in a court oflaw...

where ifyou deny things
it's perjury.

You gotta have the documents.
It's amazing what things are blowing
under my door and end up on my desk.

So, you plant the seed.
And the mainstream guys,
the print journalists...

they bring it to their editors
and their editors say...

"Cool yourjets. This is too far out.
We don't have the resources.

We don't have the balls
to go after this kind ofthing.

But track the story...
and ifit ever breaks-"
You gotta have the balls.
So we keep accumulating the facts...
till the story is screaming out
so loud it's impossible to ignore.

And they run a little test item
on page six...

saying allegations
have been made.

It's beneath their dignity
to quote some cellar-dwellerWeb site...

in their hallowed journal.
But the bastards in power have to
publicly deny those allegations...

and then they're fair game.
First it's the columnists
taking potshots.

Then when they've got
the politicians on the run...

they use our legwork, our ideas to write
outraged exposés and win Pulitzers.

Then they gang up
like a pack ofjackals.

But somebody has to plant the seed.
The seed of doubt.
He seems a lot more gubernatorial
with the sound off.
