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You're the one banging Suzana.
But! didn't kill Chico.! swear!
Maybe you didn't kill Chico,
but you're gonna tell me who did it.

Come over here!
C'mon, sit down!
You're gonna tell me
everything you know.

Spit it out!
Step on it, Alberto.
Finally, this is it!
Listen, guys...
!sn't this a cool place or what?.

You've made us walk all the way here
to see this shithole?.

Actually,! have something else
to show you.

!'m just not sure if you have
the stomach for it.

C'mon dude, are you kidding?.!
Hold on!
!'ll show you but under one condition.
The two ladies will have
to strip for us, first.

Excellent idea!! think it's fair!
Without music,
there's no strip, guys!

She's right! No music, no strip!
! don't think that will be a problem.
