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There's footprints enough.
We don't want mine there too.

! see. Good idea.
!'m trusting this stays between us...
And that all you've said is the truth.
Otherwise,! won't help you.

-! just told you the truth.
- Just stay put!!'ll be right back.

! said to tell me the whole truth.
! told you the whole truth.
You said he had a knock on
his head and nothing else.

That's right! Am! wrong?.
You didn't notice the bullet hole
in his forehead?.!

What bullet hole?.
What are you talking about?.

You're in a deep shit.
! suggest you give yourself up.

!'m out of here.
What bullet hole?.
Where are you going?.
He just has a crack on the back
of his head! Are you insane?.!

What gun shot?.
!'m insane.
What's happening here?.
You are not insane.
