
So we rolled through Texas...
just 34% Hispanic...
to Los Angeles...
48% Hispanic.
...look at the Detroit Pistons.
And your mother's saying, "Get up!"
But, no, what of it?

You can't see them. Why?
'Cause you're being killed...

you're being strangled
by the psychotic Raider fans.

What do you have in Oakland?
You got a bunch of psychotic...

A few minutes adrift
in an alien environment...

then we turned a corner,
and we were right back home.

My mother's favorite cousin,
Monica, gave us shelter.

For the next six years...
neither of us ventured outside
our new community.

Mom worked two jobs,
paying a total of $450 a week...

each of us doing everything we could
to make things work.

We were safe and happy.
If only I could have stayed six.
But I was blossoming.
And during my very first dance...
in the time it took a boy's hand...
to go from my back to my bottom...
it was evident that
she would have to leave her night job...

to keep a watchful eye on me.
Within days, she was
on her way to a job interview.

She needed $450 from one job.
And that meant,
after all her time in America...

finally entering a foreign land.
