Stage Beauty

Or loyalty?
Or adoration suffered
in deepest silence?

The only love you know, sir,
is what you act on stage.

The difference between man and man...
Wilt thou be gone...
It was the nightingale and not the lark,
That pierc'd the fearful hollow of thine ear...
Oh, look, it's Kynaston!
O, you are men of stone.
O, you are men of stone.
How did you guess?
Cordelia. You're practising the carry.
Lighter than you.
That work in performance?
In performance, I carry a real woman.
A former seamstress from Sheffield
twice my size.

So, what do you want?
Er, I want another go at the death scene.
Can't. The Crown
would close me down if I did.

- Tommy...
- You cost me the Palace's support.

You refused to act with women
on the day the King's mistress,
a mistress desirous of a career on stage,

was watching.
Besides, the company's full up.
You weren't the only actor
cut loose by the law.

The town's full of your sort now.
Mr Betterton.
Time to see the Gonerils.
Happy days
